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Welcome to the December issue of Valhalla Vanguard: the 12th Fleet Magazine. December is my
favourite month, aside from the sun and beaches of the Summer months. There is something about
the holiday season that is unbeatable, even if (where I am, at least) the holidays coincide with snow
and cold. As I write this, the Holiday Celebration has just been released in STO. The Winter Wonder-
land is packed with people lining up to race Q’s creatures and throwing snowballs at the crazy snow-
men. Here at the magazine, we may not be skating on ice, but we are celebrating in our own way!
I think all our issues are awesome, but this issue especially is jam-packed with pure win! First off,
STO’s Executive Producer, Daniel Stahl, answers some of the questions you asked on the forums! I’d
like to thank Dan for taking time out of his busy schedule to engage the community.
We also have another special treat: You may recall that our anniversary edition of the magazine
featured the different 12th Divisions, and that one division, Logistics and Supply, was “Under Con-
struction”, and told you to stay tuned to the magazine for the great reveal. Well Ladies and Gentle-
man, this issue has it! I sat down with Vox, the division’s new Vice Admiral, and had a chat about
his plans for the newly renamed “Starbase Operations” division.
Plus, Mike the Hammer was released from Section 31’s dungeon and reveals the new Room 31,
(just kidding about the dungeon part. No dungeons in the 12th folks!), Goldy reviews Part 2 of the
fabulous foundry mission “Not Our War”, and No Mercy checks in with the Command Report. AND
(Yes! There is more!) Unknown Technology returns with Rosco’s review of Teamspeak Overlay, and
I’m back with another edition of Spotlight on Command!
Many thanks to everyone who helped out with this issue! A huge shout-out goes to Sean (SNDS) for
setting aside a huge chuck of time to do the layout; I am very grateful for your willingness to serve!
Also thanks to all the contributing writers and screenshot providers! Without you, there would be
no magazine. Or it would be filled with only my own drivel… Not a pleasant thought, is it!
So, get comfortable, grab yourself a coffee and some cookies (or ale and candy, if you prefer), and
enjoy the December issue!
On behalf of the magazine staff,