Page 30 - 12th Fleet Magazine

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We opened up the meeting with the state of the fleet
with D, D explained that we were proceeding quite
nicely with the starbase and we are pushing for Tier
4 in the science category. The fleet Embassy is also a
new feature to the game; we have started ours and
seems to be a popular location to visit with the fleet.
Since the Starbase was already mentioned with D, we
quickly went onto the next agenda item: the re look
at the provisioning system. D started off by talking
about a new system we are looking into implement-
ing which will make each division responsible for their
own pool of provisions. This will enable each division
command to give out their won pool of provisions at
anytime during the month and that handout would
be logged in a new forum in which D would create.
Each member would have their own thread and in
this thread every provision handout would be logged
and time stamped. This would facilitate tracking
member’s handouts much more efficiently and en-
sure fairness.
While some members did question the validity of
the idea, most welcomed the idea. It was also men-
tioned that since we had so many provision that we
could use them for potential prizes for fleet events,
this was also welcomed by members. (Editor’s note:
This system is now live. See the 12th forum for more
Another point was bought up about how some
members didn’t have the credits, Dilithium or Zen
to buy to latest gear and wondered if the fleet could
help. Mercy is say that while every member is happy
to help other members and that the fleet will use its
resources to help out as best it can, the fleet cannot
be seen as a charity since fleet resources are precious
and because of the size of the fleet we cannot give
away free stuff to everyone and therefore it would
not be fair.
The next agenda point was the monthly review of
the donation policy. After looking at the levels it ap-
pears that we had finally hit an incline with the Fleet
marks, allot of the projects that day sat idle with
ZERO marks in them for most of the day since al-
lot of projects now need huge amounts of marks for
them to be completed.
Some folk did recommend that members with a lot
of EC to spare to help out with the materials needed
to complete some projects and that common sense
First of all I thanked everyone for attending. It was another great turn out this month and was
another great improvement on last month’s turns out. Members were a little less vocal in their
ideas, opinions and concerns which was a little disappointing so we hope that people feel more
comfortable next time we have a meeting.