A Star-System Crash is often the first sign of attack.
System jamming scrambles all high bandwidth FTL communication, navigation and civilian rated, FTL based molecular-circuitry, within a region between 1 and 13 light hours (9 to 100 astronomical units) in radius. Paradoxically, due to the nature of high-bandwidth FTL technology, a system crash can manifest within the region several hours before and after the activation and deactivation of the device. In some rare cases, the effects of a system crash may occur without the presence of a jamming ship in regions with merely a high probably of impending military engagement.
As old as FTL communication technology itself, and often stated as one of the main reasons why military craft are piloted by one or more personalities, system jamming is the most frequent terrorist activity within both Arkaedos and Kacylis empires.
Strategically, a single ship equipped with an active system jammer ship can disable civilian interstellar traffic and effectively information blockade a star system for a limited period of time. However, due to the intense energy requirements of system jammers, units consisting of two jamming craft often take turns providing jamming coverage during an engagement.
Shinobi is the first in a new classification of electronic warfare platforms. Force Recon Vessels are larger, more heavily armed and armoured and deploy significantly more electronic warfare than vessels typically build around system jammers. Some theorise that the ECM deployed on Shinobi may even be powerful enough to overcome newer generations Kacylis Smartdust. However, a direct an engagement between the two technologies has yet to have been observed.