Blood, Fire and Smartdust
Smartdust or Smatter is the general term used to describe military-grade, programmable matter that functions at the nano, pico and femto scales.
Smartdust is typically deployed during the beginning of a combat engagement as screens of highly versatile dust. These screens act as defensive particle shields; ablating, reflecting or deflecting enemy fire. Offensively, by generating disassembly fields and and zones of high static charge potential. Or logistically, by converting nearby matter into zones that retrofit and repair friendly vessels, or as local computational networks.
The latest version of Smartdust incorporate concepts and technologies directly from the ‘Dust Shaper. Some of these include high-bandwidth, FTL communication; which enables vastly improved computation power. Follotic Link technology, which provides the ability to induce local phase transitions in the very fabric of space-time, greatly increasing offensive capabilities.
Featured here is the new ‘Lor’ Class Supercarrier, upgraded with the Smartdust compatible, F-Link arrays.