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If you have been on the 12th forums lately, you may have no-
ticed a new colour on the block; Several forum names have been
changed from deep yellow to a nice burnt orange. The Logistics
and Supply division (referred to as L&S) is undergoing a total
facelift! Under the direction of Vice Admiral Vox, L&S has been
renamed “Starbase Operations” (SBO) and given a new focus.
Vox explains the new focus:
“The new focus we have is on the 5 & 20 man missions involv-
ing the Fleet Starbase which are: Fleet Transport Defense (Fleet
Starbase Blockade), Fleet Alert, Starbase Incursion and Starbase
Fleet Defense. We intend to run these missions, study them
and learn which tactics and solutions work best to complete
them, share them with the fleet and help them gain as many
fleet marks as possible in the process.”
Why the change and the new focus? The division, as L&S, was
a place for members interested in crafting to congregate and
get to know others with that same interest. “With the changes
Cryptic have made to crafting lately it’s now lot more expen-
sive to craft items and with the new gear being released that is
currently better than what you can craft in most cases, it has at
least for now rendered crafting useless” Vox said. With its craft-
ing focus, L&S was often a smaller division, but when Cryptic
added the dilithium cost to the high-end crafted items, inter-
est in the crafting system died and the division numbers took a
nosedive. Vox also pointed out that that L&S’s secondary focus,
bank management, can be done by one person, thus absolving
the division of needing to focus on that.
The idea of the fleet missions focus originally came from former
VA and XO Toval and RaptorGT. The two had discussed a switch
of focus as a means of revitalizing L&S shortly after Season 6
was launched. Toval’s interest in STO has been waning consider-
ably, and his in-game activity has decreased to the point where
he felt it would be better for someone more active to lead the
division. When Vox expressed interest in the VA position, Toval
forwarded him their original ideas. “I too believed that the Fleet
Missions were the right course of action for the division to take
in order to be successful again.” Vox explained. Inspired by the
Tactical Divisions “Tactical Tuesdays”, Vox hopes to run Fleet
missions in a similar fashion. “I thought it would be a great way
to bring the fleet together and have fun. Also, considering we
are a large fleet the chances are that people will end up gaming
with people they may not have interacted with before and that’s
always a plus I think.”
When I asked Vox if he was concerned that the division would
only attract hardcore players, due to the desire to find strategies
to maximize fleet marks, he replied in the negative, pointing to
his character and informal style of command. “I like having fun
and joking around with people. I was always the class clown in
school and I’ve never really grown out of it, if I’m being hon-
est, and with that comes a more relaxed command style.” This
statement of Vox’s shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise
to many people in the fleet, given his past history with MACO
and Section31: Two divisions who are traditionally not exactly
known for their ability to keep things on topic, but rather are
known for things like cookies, candy and ale.
“Ideally”, Vox went on, “I want people to have fun, enjoy them-
selves and not take things too seriously, so even though the
division has a hardcore style focus, it is my intention to run it in
a more relaxed and jovial way and find a balance between the
By Cassie